
Service Solution video

For more than six months, our team worked on encapsulating everything Zendesk offers in a 2" video, while solving foundational brand questions. Exploring many visual styles and video scripts, we figured out how to incorporate a human touch to our digital products when we couldn't safely film people with the pandemic. We aimed to showcase our unique brand personality while keeping our narrative clear and refined. I've contributed to fleshing out art direction, designing storyboards, crafting collages and product views.



Storyboard and video design | Brand Design | Illustration



Creative director | Erin Pinkley, Toke Nygaard
Art directors | Gina Meredith, Kevin Cline, Betsy Field
Designers | Arienne Gagui, Elias Rabeh
Motion Designers | Tori Cincotta, Colin Thomas, Victor Duran, Rob Hiroshima
Project manager | Emily Mueller, Ariana Blair
Copywriter |  Raven Wadley-Wright
Sound Design | Daniel Petersen